Dr. Girraj Prasad
(M.Sc., M.Ed., N.E.T., Ph.D)

Sh. Sarvesh Kumar
(M.Sc.., M.Ed., Ph.D

Sh. Dinesh Kumar
(M.A., M.Ed., NET (Hindi)

The college has constituted an Environmental Cell to make the student teachers aware about the environmental issues and challenges and inspire them to disseminate the information and sensitize the school children and the society at large about these challenges.


  1. To sensitize the student teachers about the problems of pollution.
  2. To inculcate the sense of responsibility towards the development of planet Earth and appreciation of its beauty.
  3. To providing opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, attitude, commitment to preserve the environment.
  4. To make them understand the interdependence of economic, social and ecological factors.
  5. To train the student teachers to impart environmental education to school children through curricular and co-curricular activities.

The cell organizes workshops, nature trails, talks and seminars. Student teachers also conduct assemblies related to environmental issues and sustainable living on days of environmental significance. They display posters, news articles and quotes on the bulletin board.